
Nikon CoolPix camera left on Omaha beach in Normandy

On Saturday 10 July 2004, my brother left his camera on the beach below the Big Red 1 memorial oblelisk, near the American cemetary at Colleville-sur-Mer in Normandy . The camera is a Nikon CollPix camera similar to the one depicted here. It has a silver-colored body. The camera contains a compact flash card with the name Alaire Lowry and a telephone number written on it. This is a number in the USA. If you found this camera, please either call the number written on the CF card or send an email to my brother: ethan_lowry@hotmail.com. The photos on the CF card are of sentimental value; we would appreciate any help retriving the camera. Thanks!

French keywords: plage d'Omaha, Normandie, appareil photo numerique

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