Last night I went to La Isla on Flemminggatan near Fridhemsplan. I took the level 4 salsa course. It was fast and tricky, with lots of turns. Still, I managed to make it all the way through the routine and remember it still this morning.

Here, Harvey and Pilar show the ladies how to do a fancy bit of styling, basically a bit where the girl shows off. Since the men didn't have to practice this part, we just stood on the sidelines and took pictures. :)

Harvey is one of the instructors with Stockholm Salsa Dance, the group that arranges the drop-in courses held at La Isla. He's a great dancer and is good at coming up with clever routines. Tonight's dance routine was a good one -- challenging, but doable. It also flowed really well: each move seemed to follow naturally from the one before.

After the lesson, they turned down the lights, turned up the music, and people began social dancing. Here are some of the pros.

And more folks on the dancefloor.

That's all for now. I was having so much fun dancing that I forgot to ask someone to take a picture of me. But guesss what? My picture is on one of the posters advertising the drop-in courses!

Yay! I'm famous!
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